
Sha is a city located in the desert of western Solithia.

Appearance & Locations

Sha is a large city, originally built around a desert oasis. It's walls and most buildings are constructed of sand-colored stone, and its streets are lined with cacti and the occasional palm tree.

The party has visited several notable locations in Sha, including:


Although the desert used to be more populated, after the fall of Soma, Sha became the westernmost settlement in Home. It is a hub of trade, occasionally even receiving merchants from across the desert.

While the city is inhabited by all races, Sha has a particularly large dragonborn population.

Campaign Relevance

The party traveled to Sha after learning that a piece of the Compass was located in the desert. Upon arriving, they learned that traveling further west was impossible, due to the raging sandstorms that could only be traversed by Aifread. Their only clue to Aifread's whereabouts was that he would be attending a performance of Return of the King at "the temple". Unsure what temple was the one in question, they ended up exploring various parts in the city.

At the Temple of Saga and Lexa, the party removed a swarm of Dust Mephits from the temple archives. At the Temple of Solis, they encountered Lianata, and ended up joining her on a quest to collect cactus juice. Eventually, the party discovered the secret Yao Temple, and ended up crashing The Dark Wing's performance of Return of the King, which allowed them to finally meet Aifread and gain passage to Soma.

After fighting the beholder in Soma, the party briefly returned to Sha in order to get help restoring Appel's shattered mind, and prepare for their journey to Tower.
