

art credit: @ladybugboots

Biographical Information
Age Unknown
Pronouns she/her
Race Steed spirit (fiend)
First Appearance Session 33
Status Alive
Personal Info
Known Forms Pony, Warhorse
Nicknames & Aliases Knightmare (full name)
Important Relations
  • Appel (Paladin bond)
  • Haudi Torrac (Patron)
   - Marey, after being summoned as a warhorse for the first time

Marey the Mare is a spirit that Appel summons in the form of a steed.

Appearance & Personality

Marey typically manifests as a pony or warhorse. Because Marey was summoned by Appel, some of her traits match him, like her fiendish heritage and her known languages. Regardless of animal form, she possesses a dark coat, a fiery purple-blue mane, sheep horns, and sheep eyes.

Marey has a deep, gravelly, demonic voice that only Appel can hear, telepathically. He still has to speak aloud in Elvish to communicate with her, which sometimes ends up looking like he is having a very strange conversation by himself.

Marey is not sure where she goes to when Appel’s summoning spell is dismissed and she disappears. She has expressed unease with the idea during existential conversations.

Marey loves a good carrot.


Sha Arc

Marey was first summoned by Appel when Lianata challenged the party to a race in the desert. When Blitz and Appel rode horseback on Marey, Marey suggested Appel might have feelings for Blitz, which Appel found disdainful.

Appel also summoned Marey when the party crashed Aifread’s production of Return of the King in Sha.

Appelton Arc

On the way to Appelton, the party came across a battle. With no way to get around the carnage, the party decided to pass through the thick of the fighting, traveling in a cart pulled by Marey. The party, the cart, and Marey sustained heavy damage; Blitz fell unconscious, the cart burned down, and Marey died. Appel promised her lots of apples before her physical form disappeared.

When Appel next summoned her, Marey apologized for failing him. Appel comforted Marey, telling her that he cares for her.

Arnor Arc

Upon finding Anathema’s tower outside of Arnor, Marey announced that she felt uneasy about the party’s surroundings. Marey also reported feeling like the goats along the countryside were watching her, radiating evil, malicious energy. At Arnor, Marey continued to sense “rancid vibes,” reporting that the land itself was hostile to fiends. The party subsequently discovered the land was consecrated ground.

Joining the B-team

Before the party attempted to rescue Appel from Nova, they left Marey and their second cart in the care of Haudi and several wizard college students in Tower. In Appel’s absence, Marey could only communicate through neighs and whinnies, so Marey entered into a warlock’s pact with Haudi, gaining the ability to telepathically converse with Haudi and her other warlocks. Despite the pact, Marey cannot cast any spells.
