Hei Torrac

Hei Torrac

art credit: @frogbackpack

Biographical Information
Age 23 (briefly 33)
Pronouns he/they
Class Fighter (Echo Knight), Warlock (Fiend)
Feats Mage Slayer
Race Halfling
Background Charlatan
First Appearance Session 1
Status Alive (petrified)
Personal Info
Faction The Party
Occupation Con Artist (Unemployed)
Nicknames & Aliases Bunnyman, Gabriel, Fayre D. Well
Important Relations
  • The Party
  • Haudi Torrac (sibling)
  • Guy Licec (boyfriend?)
"Nice to meet ya, best dressed man in Mistport, Hei Torrac, at your service."

Hei is a main party member played by Tali. He is a halfling echo knight fighter/warlock with a fiendish sibling for a patron. He has travelled across Home as a conman in search of his missing twin, although he tends to avoid Tower due to his hatred of wizards. While he initially had very little stake in the quest for the sword, he is currently very loyal to Nora and her cause.

Appearance & Personality

Hei is a black halfling with shoulder-length white hair, brown eyes, white bunny ears and tail, and a mole under his left eye. He wears distinctive green glasses and various pieces of gold jewelry stolen from past hookups. His weapon of choice is an oversized morningstar, and he often fights alongside his shadowy duplicate, Echo.

Although he dresses relatively delicately, Hei has a strong build and fiery personality. He is a blunt, stubborn, physically affectionate, and playful person who pulls no punches in a fight despite the rest of the party’s wishes; he will do anything and everything he can to protect his loved ones to a fault. Hei is generally laid back but quick to believe any incorrect conclusion he can jump to, and he is easily riled up by the right words or people. He is overall an upbeat and chaotic force in the group.

This page is a stub! If you want to know more, you'll have to go bother Tali.