Aelinora ven Astora

Aelinora ven Astora

art credit: @frogbackpack

Biographical Information
Age 19
Pronouns she/her
Class Fighter (Battlemaster),
Rogue (Mastermind)
Race Human
Background Noble
First Appearance Session 1
Status Alive
Personal Info
Faction Astoran Empire,
The Party
Occupation Princess
Nicknames & Aliases Nora (nickname)
Important Relations
  • The Party
  • Aspen Dragil (cousin)
  • Astora (ancestor)

"Nora" redirects here.

"I'm not a little girl!"

Aelinora, more commonly referred to as Nora, is a main party member in TOHD. She is played by the DM.

This page is a stub! If you want to know more, you'll have to go bother Ix.