Darius Clayborne

Darius Clayborne

art credit: @dyebaths

Biographical Information
Age ??
Pronouns he/him
Class ??
Race Human
First Appearance N/A
Status Deceased
Personal Info
Faction Astoran Empire
Occupation Duke of Kingsglade
Nicknames & Aliases Duke Clayborne I
Important Relations
  • Astora
  • Anathema
  • Clayborne family
“And to me, he has left the only True Knowledge of the Sword.”

Darius Clayborne was the first leader of Kingsglade and Astora’s right hand man during his conquest of the continent. He died long before the events of TOHD, but his presence still lives on in written records.

Appearance & Personality

Little is known about Clayborne’s character, as he never appears in the plot of the campaign. From what can be extrapolated from historical records, Clayborne was loyal to Astora.


Astoran Era

Clayborne began writing his memoirs in 45 A.E. As one of Astora’s allies and lifelong friends, he bore witness to much of Astora’s life, and included several events in his memoirs. Notable excerpts include descriptions of Astora winning a key battle and establishing the City of Iron; the destruction of the city of Soma and the subsequent sealing of the sword; and secrets pertaining to the sword.

Clayborne’s decision to ally with Astora--thereby doubling the size of Astora’s army--likely contributed to Astora’s ability to succeed in battle against neighboring nations.

Arnor Arc

In a journal found in Arnor Castle, an unknown author wrote that Anathema used to be “Clayborne’s problem” before the author was forced to take responsibility for her and decided to seal her in a tower. It is currently unknown whether the Clayborne referenced in the journal entry is Clayborne I or one of his descendants.
