Claire Simone Chance Clearwater

Claire Simone Chance Clearwater

art credit: @dyebaths

Biographical Information
Age 21
Pronouns she/her
Class Cleric, Wizard
Race Half-elf
First Appearance Session 47
Status Alive
Personal Info
Faction Solithia
Occupation Soldier (Solithian Cleric),
Student (former)
Nicknames & Aliases CSCC (all four of her initials)
Important Relations
  • Yobbo (crush)
  • Appel (former schoolmate)
“Normally I wouldn’t be into a guy with a bowl cut, but…”

Claire is a recent graduate from Tower Academy, having studied there on exchange from Her Holiness’s Academy.

Appearance & Personality

Claire has olive skin, a hooked nose, thick eyebrows, and circular glasses. Her straight, dark hair is bluntly cut at a medium length. Her weapon of choice is a drill.

Unlike several of Appel’s paladin classmates from the Academy, Claire seems to hold no ill will or judgment against him. It is unclear how close the two actually were.

In her free time, Claire enjoys piercing people’s ears with her drill.



Claire studied to become a cleric at Her Holiness’ Academy. She was one year younger than Appel, Lianata, Bingus, Garf, and Yobbo, but still interacted with them on occasion.

Tower Arc

Claire also studied as an exchange student at Tower Academy, spending a semester in Enchantment before she graduated and would have to serve Solithia in the war.

At Cade's houseparty, Claire mentioned she thinks Sir Yobbo is just soooo dreamy. Later, the party convinced Yobbo to attend her graduation in order to set Yobbo up with Claire.
