Toopington Beefly III

Toopington Beefly III

art credit: @dyebaths

Biographical Information
Age ???
Pronouns doesn't have any
Class Bard, possibly also Warlock
Race Human
First Appearance Session 47
Status Alive
Personal Info
Faction N/A
Occupation Bassist
Nicknames & Aliases Toop (nickname)
Important Relations
  • Drake (bandmate)
“I respect your admiration for Ms. Britney Spears. The most talented tiefling in Home, if you ask me. Toxic is hard to play!”
   - Mila

Toop is a former character of Iniyan’s from the campaign Bardshot.

Appearance & Personality

Toop has light skin, dyed red hair that falls messily around his face, and tunnel ear piercings. He wears clothes akin to a 2012 Tumblr indie boy, and has an awful male manipulator personality to match. Toop has a mustache and beard, but they are more sparse than they appear in Bardshot.


Tower Arc

Toop appeared as a bassist in Drake’s band during Cade’s houseparty. He and several other students attacked Hei and the rest of the party.
