


art credit: @milorito

Biographical Information
Age Unknown
Pronouns he/him
Race Fire toad
First Appearance Session 21
Status Alive
Personal Info
Faction The Party
Nicknames & Aliases Poppy (by Blitz)
Important Relations
  • Blitz (owner)
  • Hei (nemesis)
"Poptart is lovely company, don't you agree?"
   - Blitz

Poptart is a fire toad that was adopted by Blitz.

Appearance & Personality

Poptart is a fire toad with purple and pink spotted skin. After being adopted, he wears a purple ribbon with a small orb at its center.

Though Poptart is generally content and peaceful, he becomes immediately agitated if removed from whichever source of heat he is currently clinging to. This typically results in Poptart spitting out a fireball in whichever direction he is facing, much to the dismay of most of the party.


While the party was investigating an abandoned forge in Brimbor, they spotted Poptart sitting atop an orb containing a perpetual fire. Blitz, with an undying affection for toads, was immediately smitten with Poptart and carried him around the area as the rest of the party searched for a way out.

As the party was about to leave, Blitz decided to take Poptart with him. This was only partially due to Blitz's love for toads, as Poptart appeared to be the only sign of organic life remaining in abandoned Brimbor. It is uncertain that any others of his kind remain.

After Poptart's adoption, he clings to Blitz's censer, which is kept lit at all times to keep him warm.
