TOHD World Timeline
★ Note: Home uses the Astoran Calendar, which is divided into two periods: B.E. (Before Empire) and A. E. (Astoran Era). The years use the same months as the Gregorian Calendar.
Ancient Era (??? b.e.)
- Solis is born somewhere in the Feywild.
- The Feywild comes under attack by an army of fiends.
- Solis seeks out vengeance against Mars, commander of the fiend army. She amasses enough power during this process to become equivalent to a god.
- Mars is destroyed, and the Feywild saved.
- At some unspecified point in time, inter-planar travel becomes impossible, if it was ever more than a myth in the first place.
~100 b.e.
- The first recorded “Cataclysm” occurs: a period of increased natural disasters and monster attacks.
34 b.e.
- Astora is born to the king and queen of Arnor, a mountain kingdom in northwest Home.
15 b.e.
- Astora's father dies of illness, leading to Astora ascending to the throne at the age of 19.
14 b.e.
- Astora's kingdom, already fairly small and weak, comes under attack from one of its neighbors.
- Astora comes into possession of what will come to be known as the Eternal Sword.
- Astora leads his kingdom's army to battle and somehow drives back the larger, better armed enemy force.
- Instead of agreeing to a truce, Astora takes things further and soon mounts an invasion against the enemy.
- In need of more soldiers, he seeks the support of a nearby kingdom, which will eventually become known as Kingsglade. He successfully secures both an alliance, and a lifelong friendship with Darius Clayborne, the son of Kingsglade's ruler.
13 b.e.
- Astora's invasion is successful. With his kingdom now twice as big, and the continued support of the Claybornes, he sets out to conquer the rest of his neighbors.
- For the next decade, Astora will claim victory after victory. His near-flawless battle record is attributed to both his skill as a military commander, and his incredible power as wielder of the Eternal Sword.
1 a.e.
- After conquering most of the Northern territories, Astora decides to build a new capital for his steadily-growing empire. Construction begins on the City of Iron.
- The Astoran Calendar is also established.
- Astora begins to conquer the rest of the territories near the Sorrowful Sea.
13 a.e.
- The Kingdom of Soma in the Western desert is destroyed, leaving Astora in control of all the known lands.
- Astora creates the compass, scatters its pieces across his Empire, and leaves the message that the Sword’s true power can only be unlocked by his bloodline, but it should only be used in the most desperate of circumstances.
14 a.e.
- Astora's first son, Arthur, is born.
45 a.e.
- Darius Clayborne begins writing his memoirs.
54 a.e.
- Arnor is mysteriously destroyed, and its name is lost to time.
387 a.e.
- Another Cataclysm occurs.
388 a.e.
- A Heart of Solis manages to obtain a following and start a new branch of Solis worship in the city that will one day become Nova.
468 a.e.
- Dara declares sovereignty. They go to war with the Empire for their right to self-govern, and are aided in battle by the current Heart of Solis and her following.
470 a.e.
- The Empire signs a treaty with Dara, ending the war and significantly decreasing their territory.
- The Empire attempts to take away power from the Heart of Solis, officially branding her and her followers heretics. The Solis religion is broken into two competing sects: those who believe in the Heart and those who do not. Tensions between the two groups rise.
512 a.e.
- The Church of the Heart of Solis overthrows the city government, and the city is renamed Nova.
- War ensues, but the Heart of Solis is able to drive off the Empire, winning control of the city.
- Over the next few centuries Solithia and the Empire will go to war numerous times. Little by little, Solithia begins to expand.
791 a.e.
- Another Cataclysm occurs.
1003 a.e.
- Legolas is born.
1116 a.e.
- Another Cataclysm occurs.
1358 a.e.
- Another Cataclysm occurs.
1374 a.e.
- Legolas embarks on an adventure that will become legendary, although its exact purpose remains unknown. Among his companions are several halflings, a dwarf, and Prince Aragorn Astora.
1392 a.e.
- Appelton is founded.
1575 a.e.
- Another Cataclysm occurs.
1609 a.e.
- Elowen is born as the Heart of Solis.
1626 a.e.
- Elowen dies in battle, but is revived.
- Elowen’s existence as an ex-Heart of Solis is covered up by Solithia, and she is sent to live out the rest of her life at the Order of the Seal.
1734 a.e.
- Another Cataclysm occurs.
1737 a.e.
- (April 5th) “Blitz” Siege is born.
1738 a.e.
- An incident known as “The Aftershock” or “The Second Cataclysm” occurs: natural disasters and monster attacks will plague the world for the next few years, even worse than the previous Cataclysm.
- The current Heart of Solis uses their powers, as well as reorganizing Solithia's military, to combat the effects of The Aftershock.
- There is a huge rise in faith and support for the Church and Heart of Solis, uniting and strengthening the country.
- Meanwhile, the Empire struggles. Mistport is flooded, and without enough support from the crown, the pirates step in to help rebuild: taking greater control of the city in the process.
1825 a.e.
- (January 1st) Mila Cardoza is born.
1828 a.e.
- The Arcanus Family manor burns down, and the family line is presumed to have ended.
- M.P. sets up her lab in Kingsglade.
- Georga Sen begins recording his adventures.
1830 a.e.
- Georga Sen sells his diary and journeys to Sha.
- Georga, Simon, and Magnolia perish while fighting a beholder. Aera escapes, but is driven mad.
1833 a.e.
- (August 11th) Hei and Haudi Torrac are born.
1834 a.e.
- (October 16th) Anari Kaze is born.
1836 a.e.
- Aspen Dragil is born.
- (March 18th) Michael de Appel is born.
1837 a.e.
- (December 21st) Aelinora ven Astora is born.
1841 a.e.
- Mira is born.
1851 a.e.
- Haudi Torrac is kidnapped and experimented on by M.P.
- Guy curses Hei with bunny ears.
- Octavius proclaims himself the lost Arcanus heir, and becomes Duke Clayborne's court mage. He takes on Eden and June as apprentices soon after.
1852 a.e.
- Aspen Dragil is sentenced to exile at the Order of the Sword for the murder of Lord Ian Blackthorn's heir.
1854 a.e.
- Guy curses Mimi with cat ears. She drops out of the Academy, and sets up business in a pocket dimension.
1856 a.e.
- (March) Solithia officially declares war on the Empire.
1857 a.e. (Present Day)
- (February) Kingsglade is conquered.
- (April) Princess Aelinora runs away from the castle in order to retrieve the Eternal Sword, and soon joins up with the Party.
- (May) Akagane Kaze is born.
- (June) The Tower Academy Class of 1857 graduates.