Miscellaneous Documents

Various letters, book excerpts, and journal entries the party has read along their journey. Presented in chronological order by date of discovery.

It has been quite some time since last we corresponded: how are you? That was a joke, of course. I don’t care, but I’m sure you will be pleased to hear this news. The Glade’s conquering has allowed me to return to my research; I will be requiring another shipment soon. As always, I request teenage subjects, although slightly younger is acceptable. Payment will be provided upon arrival. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you to be discreet.

- M.P.


Introduction of transmogrifying force is able to produce unusually powerful undead. Used it on the dead tree in the courtyard. Horrifyingly terrific results.

Being in possession of the core power source seems to force the tree to follow my commands. Designated it as the new guardian of my lab.

Houseplant tried to murder me this morning. Analysis confirmed that while unable to harm me directly, the subject is able to influence other plant life. Removed all plants from the property and set up barrier.

No other plant problems as of yet. Feeding the subject seems to keep it placated. Will continue to have it serve as guardian.

Status: Alive, stable.


Hair: White, Skin: Brown, Eyes: Brown, Height: 3’4”, Weight: 43.02 lb

No issues with dose 1 of preparation elixir (batch #32). Promising.

Survived introduction of power source! Physical changes: elongated canines, lighter eyes. Other changes: Gained minor magical abilities (thaumaturgy, weak pyromancy), memory loss. Very promising.

Eyes continue to change color (reddish). Pupil shape changed as well. Subject seems extremely agitated by memory loss, repeating things over and over (mostly names).

Subject beginning to deteriorate. Power source seems to be overtaking them, experiencing sudden surges of power that they are unable to adapt to. Subject has expressed that they are in extreme pain.

Subject combusted. No remains besides jewelry (analysis didn’t detect anything unusual). Still, interesting results. Further testing and refinement of batch #32 needed.

Status: Deceased.

Astora raised his great Sword and proclaimed: “Today thou bore witness to the Power of Iron, and it brought us great success in Battle. Here shall I build my new Capital, and with the Power of Iron shall it be done. If thou wouldst follow Me onwards, one day from Iron’s Citadel shall we Rule the Whole of the Continent.”. And his men saw that the Fyre of victory burned in his Eyes and were assured.


When they saw all Hope was lost, the People of Soma drew back and begged Surrender. But Astora wielded in his hand the great Sword, and so could not be Reasoned. And thus Soma was destroyed and Astora became King of the Continent. And seeing the Wars were over, and thinking upon what he had Dealt with, he Sealed the Sword away forevermore.


Then Astora did build his great City, leaving the care of our Glade to myself. And now the Empire has enjoyed many years of peace, and Astora has passed down to his Children a great prosperity. And to me, he has left the only True Knowledge of the Sword, yet on this I shall say no more, for if She were to ever find out, I fear there would be no end to her Rage.

- From the memoirs of Darius Clayborne

Elven architecture emphasizes symmetry and balance in all things. Early places of worship often incorporated two opposing images of gods, represented by statues or images facing each other. The most well known example of this is of course Saga and Lexa, who are almost always worshiped together, even in non-elven societies. Other examples include the twin Harmony statues at the great temple, meant to represent their opposing domains of life and death. Excavations of ancient elven temples to Solis have also shown her depicted opposite another elven figure wielding a sword. The leading theory is that this parallel figure is meant to represent her mortal self, a hypothesis backed by the fact that they are often shown as wounded in some way.

- Excerpt from Equian Architecture: What We Can Learn From the Elves

The power source (“Hellfyre”) paradoxically both destroys and creates; possibly not paradoxically as total destruction could merely be a byproduct of a lack of enough suitable material for power transfererance. We hypothesized I hypothesize that with enough mental/physical strength and desired characteristics, the source could be completely assimilated. The previous research supports this theory, but was unable to produce a successful specimen. Efforts to produce an elixir for increasing chances of survival were progressing, but have now suffered a setback, although I believe the most likely ingredients were Elven (?) blood, matter from a previously transformed creature* (difficult to acquire; and whether the transformation need be fully successful remains untested), iron, arsenic (whether the subject is near-death could possibly impact success; requires further testing), and…I can’t recall the others.

The first order of business (after setting up a new lab, acquiring new subjects…), is to recreate the previous serum research. Since it is easier to achieve success on less sentient creatures (why?), I will begin by creating a new supplier of transformed matter (using plants?). Avoiding discovery is also of the utmost importance; I have erased all traces of the other lab as best I could, but continuing the research does of course pose a risk. A worthy one, though; progress must continue. No risk, no reward. If only everyone understood that.

*Further testing on what creatures count as transformed is required; previously S previous research indicated that Tieflings and other’s of non-material heritage did not significantly impact success rates, supporting his the theory that the successful transformation via Hellfyre constitutes an alternative/more effective means of reproduction for infernal beings.


Discovered the presence of lesser blights nearby. It seems they were created, perhaps accidentally, some time ago. Evidence of similar experiments conducted in forest, but too primitive as to be of any use to me. However, blight behavior suggests that transformed creatures seem to not only be able to sense each other, but also to obey a sort of hierarchy; my tree exercises some influence over the forest creatures. After perfecting the elixir, I suggest further research into how hierarchy is decided be conducted. Perhaps the origin of the fire has some effect? Current evidence inconclusive.


Another unsuccessful subject. Batch #8 is supremely useless. Still have not fully recreated the progress of the first lab. Damn that fire, damn the Arcanus family, and damn that coward Simon specifically. I always worked better with a partner. I’ll complete our my research on my own, though. This is merely a small setback. No risk, no reward.

- The Transformative Effects of a Non-Material Power Source on Living Organisms

Dearest Sister,

A comrade of mine may soon be arriving in Kingsglade. His name is Sir Michael de Appel, a paladin like myself. His mission is of the utmost importance, but due to unfortunate events he is wanted for desertion. I assure you, his actions are only to aid Her Holiness. Please protect him and his companions if you can.

Your Brother

Gustav Bingrellstein III

Your colossal failure may have worked to our favor after all. Immediately suspend all shipments and operations to me, as my Kingsglade address has been compromised. I will contact you again when, or if, I am able to resume my work. And I'm sure I don't have to remind you of the consequences of selling me out.

- M.P.

My Dearest Sir Appel,

You ask such silly questions! A girl (which is what I am, of course) must have some secrets, you know! But, when you told me you were headed to Kingsglade, I was just so worried for you. In fact, I was so overcome with concern for you, my man who I love, that I almost fell victim to the hysteria that we women are so prone to. I’m glad my letter was of some help. I hope this is of some help as well. You really must be more careful on your travels!

Of course, no matter how worried I am, I understand your mission is dreadfully important. I would never dream of asking you to give it up. But for my sake, please do be careful, avoid those silly Solithian soldiers, and try to complete your quest as quickly as possible. And, of course, continue to write me! I treasure every letter, my love. Speaking of treasure, I’m sure in the process of your grand adventure you must have come across quite a bit of it. I would most certainly love if you, my boyfriend who is a man, could send some of it to me, your girlfriend who is a woman.

Take care,    


The people of Soma worshiped a goddess of earth, who protected their city with great and powerful magic. Their creation myth stated that, much like their goddess, all beings emerged from the earth, and to the earth they would return.

Although it seems probable the “goddess” of Soma was in fact some powerful creature of the Elemental Plane of Earth, one cannot deny the possibility of her being some yet-unrecognized aspect of one of the larger gods; perhaps Harmony or Yao. Differing interpretations (and thus differing manifestations) of the gods across cultures are not at all uncommon, especially in the days before the uniting of the continent under the Empire.

- On the history of Soma

In robes of azure, tall and fair / pointed hat, and palest hair,
he casts above, tinkers beneath / great treasures does he oft bequeath.
If trouble breweth, to tower come / many wonders hast the magi done.
Yet mischief does he often play / in times of peace get thee away!

- On Indigo Luminate

The aberrations that appear with increasing frequency no doubt spawn from some twisted space between one world and another; as the distance between them increases, so, too, will the number and frequency of this phenomena.

Based on my calculations, the next of these catastrophes is imminent - and may very well destroy Brimbor entirely. Evacuation plans must be made at once; may Dugmaren and Laduguer watch over us.

The fact that passage between the Material and Other has become nigh but impossible is both a blessing and a curse; its very existence is proof of our eventual doom, yet if conducted with anything but the utmost precision, it would almost certainly hasten the aberration’s appearance.

- From the journal of Baerdram Necklord

The child is no longer Clayborne’s problem and has instead now become mine. A great annoyance, but I am quite confident in the magyks and sealing of the tower I’ve put her in. I spoke to her only once and don’t intend to again. Bad enough to be an embarrassment to the family, and a proponent of such enormous heresy it scandalizes even one as damned as I, but those eyes are what truly frighten me. It makes one grateful for never marrying. I shall speak of her no more, however. As much as I dislike this whole ordeal, it is good my fool nephew finally agreed to have her locked up and forgotten.

- Journal found in Arnor Castle

Dearest Cadet Borples,

Thank you for including that picture of yourself in the last letter; as well as the 50 GP. It made me positively weak in the knees! My heart is aflame thinking of you; in fact I may need to see a doctor. My love, please send me a bit more money soon, to help cover the medical bills for this affliction you’ve given me…the affliction of love!

Femininely yours,    

Jen Yewingurl

Paper CSS thanks to Christophe67 and Carter Pape.