The Journal of Georga Sen
Georga Sen's journal was written around 26 years prior to the start of the campaign, and records his adventures during that time. The party bought this journal from Mimi during Session 4, and has been periodically reading through it during their downtime ever since. They are still in the process of reading, so check back for more entries soon!
The interactive journal is only available on the desktop site, but a plain-text version is also provided.
Dear Diary,
Greetings! I am Georga Sen, an adventurer. I have purchased this journal in order to record the tales of my (and my companions) travels. Although we may have just started our journey, I know that we are destined for greatness. Who knows, one day this book may be read the world over, and I myself may be known as ☆ GEORGA THE GREAT ☆. Haha! Well, a man can dream!
Dear Diary,
Well, since I introduced myself, I suppose I should now introduce my companions. First off, there’s Magnolia and Aera. Lovely couple, and both of them are quite skilled with a blade as well. We’ve also recently joined up with a wizard. He calls himself Septimus, hasn’t given us a last name. Quiet guy, but I’m sure we’ll all be fast friends. Nothing brings people together like moral peril (and treasure)!
Well, it seems it’s time to hit the road again, Diary. Will write more later.
Show Journal Text
Dear Diary,
Greetings! I am Georga Sen, an adventurer. I have purchased this journal in order to record the tales of my (and my companions) travels. Although we may have just started our journey, I know that we are destined for greatness. Who knows, one day this book may be read the world over, and I myself may be known as ☆ GEORGA THE GREAT ☆. Haha! Well, a man can dream!
Dear Diary,
Well, since I introduced myself, I suppose I should now introduce my companions. First off, there’s Magnolia and Aera. Lovely couple, and both of them are quite skilled with a blade as well. We’ve also recently joined up with a wizard. He calls himself Septimus, hasn’t given us a last name. Quiet guy, but I’m sure we’ll all be fast friends. Nothing brings people together like moral peril (and treasure)!
Well, it seems it’s time to hit the road again, Diary. Will write more later.
Dear Diary,
We’ve stopped in Mistport tonight. Such an exciting city! Why, I was nearly robbed three times on my way to the inn! The first two were simply local children trying their hand at pickpocketing, so of course I made an effort to set them on the right path-- they were such amateurs! No sense of stealth at all! Hopefully with my advice they’ll improve quick enough to not get caught next time.
The third attempt however was much more thrilling: pirates! They must have been either extremely desperate or extremely bloodthirsty to attack me-- I’m not exactly carrying anything of great value. I didn’t catch the name of their crew, but they all wore red earrings. I carelessly let them corner me, and they had me outnumbered, so things were looking dicey; I honestly feared for my life! However, luck was on my side today: a mysterious woman appeared and helped me beat them all senseless (to be honest, she was doing most of the beating). And so, Georga the Great lives to fight another day! I also managed to snatch a pirate’s coin purse as I was fleeing. Karma, bitch!
Dear Diary,
I’ve still no luck with finding my mysterious savior from the other night, but I have run into several more pirates. The ones with the red earrings who attacked me are apparently known as the “Red Flags”, and they have a very low standing in the pirate hierarchy: which of course makes them more likely to go after easy prey such as myself. They’ve also recently come under new leadership. I haven’t had the misfortune to run into their captain yet, but they must be quite intimidating; they’ve put the rest of the pirates on edge.
Anyway, I hope to leave this place soon, but Magnolia actually seems to like it here. And speaking of Magnolia, I learned the other day that she and Aera are not actually a couple! What a shock! They’re much more difficult to read than humans, and I *still* notice all the longing glances they shoot at each other. It’s quite ridiculous actually. And the way Aera rushes to heal Magnolia whenever she’s hurt in battle-- well she insists it’s what she would do for anyone, but I don’t see her clasping *my* hand and dramatically forbidding me from dying. I hope one of them finally confesses soon, before I lose my mind.
Dear Diary,
I finally found that woman from the other night! I ran into her in a tavern, so I of course bought her a drink to thank her for her help. Her name is Destiny, and we really hit it off! In fact, I even asked her if she’d want to join our adventuring party. She seemed very interested in the prospect, but said she had to turn down the offer since she’s pregnant. Pregnant! And she still fought all those pirates?! I mean, she’s not very far along yet but still, very impressive.
Anyway, it’s unfortunate that she can’t join us, but I promised to visit her (and her baby!) whenever we return to Mistport and tell her all about our adventures.
Dear Diary,
Septimus was very adamant that we not go to Tower. Strangely adamant actually; he’s usually pretty quiet. I still don’t know him very well at all. Anyway, we decided to respect his wishes. The Solithian border area is full of tension these days (when is it not, though?), so we’ve turned east towards Dara instead.
I should try and talk to Septimus some more on the road. I still don’t even know his last name. His clothes are so fine that I’m beginning to suspect that he must belong to some high ranking family. Perhaps he’s a runaway noble? Hopefully he’ll open up to us soon.
Dear Diary,
My plans for team bonding have been spoiled somewhat; everyone is VERY displeased with me right now. But you must understand, I absolutely had to have those boots! Blue leather, sixteen silver buckles on each one, guaranteed one-of-a-kind…and they’re magical to boot (ha!). However, I can see why everyone would be rather displeased by my spending most of our savings on them. But! They’re definitely worth it! I swear, I won’t be taking them off until the day I die! I’ve tried to tell the others that I can steal most of the money back, but unfortunately even I can’t steal when there’s no one around to steal *from*. We’ve been in the wilderness for a good few days now, meeting no one except that strange traveling shoe salesman.
Ah well, I’m sure they’ll forgive me eventually. On the plus side, this seems to have brought Magnolia and Aera even closer together. I’m not sure how yelling at me is romantic, but whatever. I’m sure everyone will be over it soon. But for now, Septimus is still giving me the silent treatment, so talking to him is out of the question.
Dear Diary,
We’ve found an ancient temple of some sort. Now, normally, I would be dashing in headfirst on the hunt for treasure, but I don’t like the look of this one. The others seem wary as well, although Aera still wants to give it a shot. We’ve made camp just outside the entrance, for now. I won’t be going in there until the sun is out again. I’m not very superstitious, and even less religious, but something feels wrong here. I think I can see eyes in the trees.
Dear Diary,
Well, we braved the temple today. No treasure to be found, only broken pillars and statues. I believe I recognized one of them as Solis, though I can’t say who that other fellow was. Septimus seemed intrigued by the surviving inscriptions and murals. Not sure why, since he didn’t say much (shocker!) and they didn’t seem very valuable. Monetarily speaking, that is. The whole archeology thing usually goes over my head.
Anyway, we didn’t even make it very far into the temple; we were chased out by some foul, fey beasts. I’m positive they were at least a few of the eyes from last night. Magnolia and Aera were NOT happy to see them, let me tell you! I suppose I can see where the bad blood comes from there. I’m not a fan of these creatures either; I would consider myself more of a dog person, truth be told. Septimus tried to communicate with them, but they weren’t very interested in talking.
I’m ready to leave this place, Diary. I think the others are as well; we’ve returned to our camp for now but hopefully we’ll head off somewhere less disturbing soon.
Dear Diary,
We’ve finally found more people! Unfortunately they don’t seem very friendly, judging by the fact that they have taken us prisoner. They keep questioning us about a bunch of elves we’ve never met. They seem convinced we know someone called Legolas. Ha! Me, know Legolas! Well, of course I know *of* him, but really! And surely must mean a different Legolas than the great adventurer; there’s no way he’s even still alive. Anyway. Been a bit boring being stuck in this cell all day. I’m trying to think of a way to get us out, but no luck yet, Diary.
Dear Diary,
Our escape plans have had to be put on hold for a bit due to some...unforeseen complications. Namely, the appearance of His Holiness. Now, I’m not much of a believer as I mentioned before, but that child is surely something not quite human. Perhaps he really is a god, or used to be, or whatever. He’s only nine but...well, to be frank, he scares me. No need to elaborate. Well, whatever he is, he is NOT happy with us, Diary. Our captors disapprove of our trespassing on sacred ground and whatnot, but when the child heard about it.... Let’s just say he wasn’t happy. I’ve never seen such rage in my life. So our escape plan has been put on hold for a while. For now we are “gathering information”. Meaning we sit in our cell with our ears to the wall, mostly. All I know is this place is some kind of monastery, clearly with some kind of connection to Solithia.