Elowen's Journal
Elowen's journal is the only recorded instance of a Heart of Solis being revived. The party discovered this journal in Grandpa Legolas' attic during Session 96. Below are some key entries, which were released between Sessions 96 and 97.
The interactive journal is only available on the desktop site, but a plain-text version is also provided.
The man from the Order of the Seal gave me this journal. He said it might help to write about my feelings. I said thank you, even though I don’t think I have those. She did, but she is gone.
I suppose it is worth keeping a record for posterity, if nothing else. I am what you might call a historical anomaly. I will write more later.
Here is what I remember:
I remember the fighting, of course. I struck countless men down, until one struck me. I did not expect that.
I remember dying. I remember a lot about dying, but writing it down will change nothing. Everyone will see it, eventually, I’m sure. But there is no changing it.
I remember I woke up, and she was gone. That’s all I said to them, I think. “She’s gone.” What else was there for me to say? I think the paladin who revived me was the one to order the retreat. He rose to the occasion admirably.
I remember he carried me back, and then I was sent to my room. Like a child. I suppose nobody knew what to do with me. I think they are still discussing it.
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The man from the Order of the Seal gave me this journal. He said it might help to write about my feelings. I said thank you, even though I don’t think I have those. She did, but she is gone.
I suppose it is worth keeping a record for posterity, if nothing else. I am what you might call a historical anomaly. I will write more later.
Here is what I remember:
I remember the fighting, of course. I struck countless men down, until one struck me. I did not expect that.
I remember dying. I remember a lot about dying, but writing it down will change nothing. Everyone will see it, eventually, I’m sure. But there is no changing it.
I remember I woke up, and she was gone. That’s all I said to them, I think. “She’s gone.” What else was there for me to say? I think the paladin who revived me was the one to order the retreat. He rose to the occasion admirably.
I remember he carried me back, and then I was sent to my room. Like a child. I suppose nobody knew what to do with me. I think they are still discussing it.
The knight who carried me from the battlefield is called Sir Bingrellstein. His name likely deserves a place in this record. After all, I owe him my life.
He is only two years older than me. I knew this before, but I had never thought about it. I don’t know why I am thinking of it now.
I do not remember the name of the monk who gave me the journal. I will find out, when they next invite me to a meeting. I have not been allowed to attend many, I suppose because I am no one important now.
They found her.
The man who gave me the journal is called Cypress. It seems they are leaning towards sending me to the Order. This seems the most sensible course of action. It gets me out of the way without the heretical implications of killing me.
Cypress does not seem dismayed at this, which surprises me. He told me he has a younger brother around my age. I think he believes we will be friends.
This seems unlikely, but I would not mind spending more time with Cypress. He reminds me of
They won’t let me see her. I don’t know why I asked.
We depart tomorrow. I have been given new clothes. It feels strange, wearing so much green ag
I’m not sure what to write about anymore. Despite being a historical anomaly, I do not have much to say about it. We are in Dara, now. We had waybread for dinner for a week straight, but today we had chicken.
Huon asked me what I think of him. I’m not sure. I don’t have many opinions of my own. He is a decent fighter, but his personality is…
Huon is annoying.
He said it must have hurt and I said yes Solis is in pain and he said no I meant for you and I cried
Cypress did not return. Huon has locked himself in his room and won’t talk to me. I don’t know what to do, and I can’t ask Cypress.
Does he think this is what Cypress would want? Or that nobody else has ever lost someone?!?! Stupid stupid stupid.
I got fed up with waiting, and I dragged him out myself!!! That idiot just needed someone to knock some sense into him. My head is still sore, but I think it’s okay now. It’s okay.
I haven’t written in a while because I can’t risk writing it down. When Cypress died, he just needed someone to snap him out of it. I know we agreed I was here to live for myself, but if I’m the only one who can reach her…he would never understand.
I’m sorry. I know you may never understand, but I didn’t want my child to grow up in a doomed world. The seal needs to be broken. I don’t know what will happen to me, but know I’ll always love you.