Tales of Home Depot, abbreviated TOHD, is my DND campaign! It follows the adventures of five unlikely allies on their quest to help a runaway princess find a legendary sword. Since December 2020, I and five of my good friends have been overly invested in creating this story together.
Tales Of is a video game series that I have a lot of opinions on but generally enjoy, and I borrowed pretty heavily from it when writing this campaign. I try (and sometimes succeed) to veer more on the side of references and parallels and less on the side of blatant plagiarism; to me TOHD is like if I were allowed to write a new entry in the Tales series.
The name comes from this + the fact that at the end of our first session, someone played the Home Depot theme song and it was very funny.
Over TOHD's 4+ year run, we've accumulated a lot of lore, plot events, artwork, and miscellaneous TOHD-related projects. We've also acquired a lot of interested spectators, to whom it is very difficult to explain everything going on. It's a lot, even for the players!
The purpose of this website is to compile campaign information in one place, to make things easier to keep track of and look up. It is maintained by me (Ix, aka the DM), with the help of many contributions by players and friends of the campaign.
I hope you enjoy exploring the site and learning more about the wonderful Home we've built together. <3